Tayla Lovering Tayla Lovering



This recipe is my go-to for weekly meal prep! The ultimate Macro-balanced meal that sets you up for a day of balanced blood sugar, nourished hormones and a happy tummy (+ it keeps you fuller for longer)! This recipe is great for emptying out your fridge from last weeks old veg.


  • 12 x Organic Eggs

  • 1 x Zucchini

  • 10 x Brussel Sprouts

  • 2 x large handfuls of Kale

  • 1 x Brocoli

  • 1/2 Cauliflower

  • Any additional veg you have in your fridge can replace any of the above! We want convenience people

  • 2 x tbsp Bone Broth

  • 1 x tbsp mixed herbs

  • 3/4 block of Goats feta

  • 6-10 pieces of nitrate free short cut Bacon (you do you on the amount here)

  • 1 x Onion or Leek (or both!)

  • 1tbs Ghee

*all quantities are approx, go with whatever you have in your fridge - we don’t need perfection with this one!


  • Fry off the onion or Leek (or both) in a saucepan with Ghee

  • Add bacon to the pan and fry off until golden

  • Add in all other vegetables, chopped into 10c pieces (or as desired) and fry off until moderately soft (popping the lid on helps to give the veg a quick steam)

  • Whisk eggs with Bone broth in a pouring jug ready to add to the dish

  • Line a deep baking dish and pour in fried vegetables

  • Pour over your egg mix and slightly stir eggs into vegetables with a fork

  • Add in chopped Goats feta and again mix

  • Sprinkle with mixed herbs or salt and pepper

  • Pop into the oven at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes (depends on your oven, until firm)

  • Slice and enjoy! I pop mine with some Avocado for extra nourishment and good fats! Reheat for an easy healthy breakfast or make it for dinner with a bonus side salad.

*when slicing this up, aim for 3 eggs per serve at least so you reach your protein requirements in that meal.

With Love, 


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Tayla Lovering Tayla Lovering

WINTER APPLES - (for prebiotic goodness)


This little winter warmer is the perfect side to a breakfast with a nutty granola and coconut yoghurt OR as a desert with with some sneaky Pana Organic Icecream!


  • 5-10 Organic Apples with skin left on (depends what size dish you have)

  • 1tbs Freshly ground Nutmeg

  • 1tbs Freshly ground Cinnamon

  • 4tbs PHGG if desired for those added beneficial bacteria feeding benefits

  • 1-2L of water or enough to cover the apples in the pot


  • Chop your apples roughly and add all other ingredients

  • Set on stove and boil for 20 mins or until you can easily fork your apple!

  • Serve warm with some coconut ice cream or on top of your fav Breaky and ENJOY!

With Love, 


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Tayla Lovering Tayla Lovering



Here is my Choc Chip Green Banana Loaf Recipe to nourish your gut health. This Loaf is a perfectly balanced blend of Protein, Carbs, Good Fats and Fibre essential for wellbeing! Perfect to make for your week ahead for a simple macro balanced breaky or snack. I hope you enjoy! 


  • 1 Cup Almond Flour

  • 1 Cup Buckwheat Flour

  • 1/4 Cup Green Banana Flour 

  • 3 Quality Eggs 

  • 2 tsp Bicarb 

  • 2tbsp Natural Coconut Yoghurt (or dairy if tolerated) 

  • 1 tbs Apple Cider Vinegar 

  • 1/2 Coconut Oil OR Ghee (half half works perfectly) 

  • 2 Large Brown bananas (mush them to a rough consistency) 

  • 1/4 - 1/2 cup of Dark Choc Chips (optional) 

  • 2tbs Brown Rice Syrup OR Honey (optional) 


  1. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl 

  2. Mix all wet ingredients in a bowl and add to the dry ingredients, mix wet with dry thoroughly 

  3. Pour into a lined oven proof dish and top with banana as desired

  4. Sprinkle coconut sugar on top if you're after a nice glaze! 2 tsp should do the trick!

  5. Pop into the oven at 180 degrees fan forced for 45-60mins (depending on your oven adjust and check if necessary)

  6. Allow to cool then slice and enjoy with some organic butter! 

With Love, 


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Tayla Lovering Tayla Lovering

GUT Smoothie - one for your tum

GIT Smoothie

A smoothie to support your gut health, skin health and balance your blood sugar for the day ahead! For that person with no time in the mornings, or that person that wants a pre-breakfast, breakfast - this is for you! I’m not one for following recipes myself so this is simple and measurements are rough!


  • 1/2 cup Organic Frozen Mixed Berries

  • 1 tbs Hemp Seeds

  • 1 cups of Coconut Water

  • 1 Frozen Banana OR 3 pieces of steamed then frozen cauliflower (for those hormone loving benefits)

  • 1/4 cup Oats

  • 1 tbs Almond, Brazil, Cashew (ABC) Butter OR Almond Butter

  • 1 tbs Flaxseeds

  • 1 tsp Manuka Honey if desired

Optional Extras To Enhance Your Microbiome & Gut lining Benefits:

  • 1 Scoop of Paleo Fibre OR Partially Hydrolysed Guar Gum (both incredible at feeding your beneficial gut flora*

  • 1 Scoop of Collagen*

  • 1tsp Cacao powder

  • 1 tsp Acai Powder*


  1. Add all ingredients to your blender until blended well

  2. Adjust thickness with extra Coconut Water if desired

  3. For a smoothie bowl, pour into a bowl and top with fresh strawberries, banana, coconut flakes and almond flakes

  4. ENJOY!

*Add if desired - from your local health food store

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